Never* hit the snooze button again

One easy thing to do to improve your life is to pretend the snooze feature on your alarm does not exist. Disregard it. Waking up is easy for me. With so much to do and so little time, the last thing I want to do when I wake up is go back to sleep. I’m so excited to start my day that at least once a week I wake up in the middle of the night and check the time to see if it’d be inappropriate to get up for the day. 3:30 a.m.? I might just get up and start my day. 11:45 p.m.? Too early. I’ll try to shut off my brain and lay there until I fall back asleep. The other six nights of the week, I fall asleep within two minutes of putting my head on the pillow and wake up early without a spending a second more awake. But it wasn’t always that way. As a younger guy, I’d hit snooze a few times to “ease myself awake.” It was a BS excuse, and I knew it. Getting up for the day back then was a challenge and required a hit of willpower. During Marine…Continue reading Never* hit the snooze button again

Building your Biglaw wardrobe

You did it. You scored of of the coveted Biglaw jobs out of law school. And now you think you need to look the part, but you don’t have much money. Here’s what you should do. (For non-lawyers, Biglaw is the name given to the biggest law firms in the world. These high-paying jobs are the most demanding lawyer jobs straight out of law school. Having these jobs is also a miserable way to go through life.) First, don’t go hog wild and spend a ton of money on “a new wardrobe.” You will fail at this. Instead, plan and prepare. This is going to take a bit of time.  The most important thing to consider is fit. Fabric and material quality is the second most important factor. Go slow. Research and find experts to help you. Okay? Calmed down? Good, now proceed. Second, shoes. I suppose you could try to buy just one pair of dress shoes, but they will get very beat up and not last. Unfortunately, that means you’ll need two pairs. Save up your coin and go to Allen Edmonds or a similar store. You will buy one pair of dark brown, conservative shoes. Your goal…Continue reading Building your Biglaw wardrobe